Boolean Fields
If you need to collect Boolean data you can use a bool
or bool?
model property, e.g.:
public bool BooleanField { get; set; }
public bool? NullableBooleanField { get; set; }
Default HTML
When using the Default Field Generator then the default HTML of the Field Element will be:
Non-nullable Boolean (checkbox)
This field will always be Required since it's not nullable.
<input %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%" required="required" type="checkbox" value="true" /> <label for="%propertyName%">%inlineLabel%</label>
Nullable Boolean (drop-down with empty option)
If the field is Required then the empty option will still show and it will be selected if the value of the property in the model is null, but it will trigger a validation error if the user selects it.
<select %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%">
<option selected="selected" value=""></option>
<option value="true">Yes</option>
<option value="false">No</option>
Inline label
If you are outputting a non-nullable Boolean then a label will show next to the field as part of the Field Element in addition to the Field Label that shows up as part of outputting the full field. If you want to override just the label text for this label (and not the Field Label as well) then you can do so using the InlineLabel
methods in the Field Configuration, e.g.:
var htmlContent = new HtmlString("<strong>override</strong>");
Func<dynamic, IHtmlContent> templatedRazorDelegate = @<strong>override</strong>;
<field for="BooleanField" inline-label="override" />
<field for="BooleanField" inline-label-html="templatedRazorDelegate" />
<field for="BooleanField" inline-label-html-content="htmlContent" />
Display as drop-down
You can force a Boolean field to display as a drop-down box rather than a checkbox using the AsDropDown
method on the Field Configuration, e.g.:
The AsDropDown
method is mapped to as="Dropdown"
<field for="BooleanField" as="Dropdown" />
This will change the default HTML for the non-nullable Boolean field as shown above to:
<select %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%" required="required">
<option value="true">Yes</option>
<option value="false">No</option>
Display as list of radio buttons
You can force a Boolean field to display as a list of radio buttons rather than a checkbox using the AsRadioList
method on the Field Configuration, e.g.:
The AsRadioList
method is mapped to as="RadioList"
<field for="BooleanField" as="RadioList" />
<field for="NullableBooleanField" as="RadioList" />
And it will change the default HTML for the non-nullable Boolean field and the Required nullable Boolean field as shown above to:
<li><input %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%_1" name="%propertyName" required="required" type="radio" value="true" /> <label for="%propertyName%_1">%trueDescription%</label></li>
<li><input %htmlAttributes% checked="checked" id="%propertyName%_2" name="%propertyName%" required="required" type="radio" value="false" /> <label for="%propertyName%_2">%falseDescription%</label></li>
And it will change the default HTML for the non-Required nullable Boolean field as shown above to:
<li><input %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% checked="checked" id="%propertyName%_1" name="%propertyName" type="radio" value="" /> <label for="%propertyName%_1">%noneDescription%</label></li>
<li><input %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%_2" name="%propertyName%" type="radio" value="true" /> <label for="%propertyName%_2">%trueDescription%</label></li>
<li><input %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%_3" name="%propertyName%" type="radio" value="false" /> <label for="%propertyName%_3">%falseDescription%</label></li>
Change the text descriptions of true, false and none
When you display a Boolean field as a drop-down or a list of radio buttons you can change the text that is used to display the true
, false
and none
values to the user. By default the text used is Yes
, No
and None
(except for drop-downs, which have an empty string instead of None
) respectively. To change the text simply use the WithTrueAs
, WithFalseAs
and WithNoneAs
methods respectively, e.g.:
The WithTrueAs
/ WithFalseAs
/ WithNoneAs
methods are mapped to true-label="{label}"
/ false-label="{label}"
/ none-label="{label}"
<field for="NullableBooleanField" true-label="OK" false-label="Not OK" none-label="No comment" />
This will change the default HTML for the nullable Boolean field as shown above to:
<select %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%">
<option selected="selected" value="">No comment</option>
<option value="true">OK</option>
<option value="false">Not OK</option>
Hide empty item
If you have a nullable Boolean field then it will show the empty item and this item will be selected by default if the field value is null. If for some reason you want a nullable boolean, but you would also like to hide the empty item you can do so with the HideEmptyItem
method in the Field Configuration, e.g.:
<field for="NullableBooleanField" hide-empty-item="true" />
This will change the default HTML for the nullable Boolean field as shown above to:
<select %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%">
<option value="true">Yes</option>
<option value="false">No</option>
Hide inline label
If you would like to output just a checkbox for a non-nullable boolean field without an inline label next to it you can do so with the WithoutInlineLabel
method in the Field Configuration, e.g.:
<field for="BooleanField" without-inline-label="true" />
This will change the default HTML for the non-nullable Boolean field as shown above to:
<input %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%" required="required" type="checkbox" value="true" />
Wrap input with label
If you would like to wrap the checkbox with the inline label you can do so with the InlineLabelWrapsElement
method in the Field Configuration, e.g.:
<field for="BooleanField" inline-label-wraps-element="true" />
This will change the default HTML for the field as shown above to:
<label><input %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%" required="required" type="checkbox" value="true" /> %inlineLabel%</label>