Class ChameleonFormExtensions
Default extension methods for Form<TModel>.
Inherited Members
Namespace: ChameleonForms
Assembly: ChameleonForms.dll
public static class ChameleonFormExtensions
| Improve this Doc View SourceBeginChameleonForm<TModel>(IHtmlHelper<TModel>, String, FormMethod, HtmlAttributes, Nullable<EncType>, Nullable<Boolean>)
Constructs a Form<TModel> object with the default ChameleonForms template renderer.
public static IForm<TModel> BeginChameleonForm<TModel>(this IHtmlHelper<TModel> helper, string action = "", FormMethod method = FormMethod.Post, HtmlAttributes htmlAttributes = null, EncType? enctype = default(EncType? ), bool? outputAntiforgeryToken = default(bool? ))
Type | Name | Description |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.IHtmlHelper<TModel> | helper | The HTML Helper for the current view |
System.String | action | The action the form should submit to |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.FormMethod | method | The HTTP method the form submission should use |
HtmlAttributes | htmlAttributes | Any HTML attributes the form should use |
System.Nullable<EncType> | enctype | The encoding type the form submission should use |
System.Nullable<System.Boolean> | outputAntiforgeryToken | Whether or not to output an antiforgery token in the form; defaults to null which will output a token if the method isn't GET |
Type | Description |
IForm<TModel> | A Form<TModel> object with an instance of the default form template renderer. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TModel | The view model type for the current view |
@using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonForm(...)) { ... }
| Improve this Doc View SourceBeginChameleonFormFor<TOriginalModel, TNewModel>(IHtmlHelper<TOriginalModel>, TNewModel, String, FormMethod, HtmlAttributes, Nullable<EncType>, Nullable<Boolean>)
Constructs a Form<TModel> object with the default ChameleonForms template renderer using the given model type and instance. Values will bind back to the model type specified as if that was the model all along.
public static IForm<TNewModel> BeginChameleonFormFor<TOriginalModel, TNewModel>(this IHtmlHelper<TOriginalModel> helper, TNewModel model, string action = "", FormMethod method = FormMethod.Post, HtmlAttributes htmlAttributes = null, EncType? enctype = default(EncType? ), bool? outputAntiforgeryToken = default(bool? ))
Type | Name | Description |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.IHtmlHelper<TOriginalModel> | helper | The HTML Helper for the current view |
TNewModel | model | The model to use for the form |
System.String | action | The action the form should submit to |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.FormMethod | method | The HTTP method the form submission should use |
HtmlAttributes | htmlAttributes | Any HTML attributes the form should use |
System.Nullable<EncType> | enctype | The encoding type the form submission should use |
System.Nullable<System.Boolean> | outputAntiforgeryToken | Whether or not to output an antiforgery token in the form; defaults to null which will output a token if the method isn't GET |
Type | Description |
IForm<TNewModel> | A Form<TModel> object with an instance of the default form template renderer. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TOriginalModel | The model type of the view |
TNewModel | The model type of the sub-property to construct the form for |
This can also be done using the For() HTML helper extension method and just a type: @using (var f = Html.For<AnotherModelType>().BeginChameleonForm(...)) { ... }
@using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonFormFor(new AnotherModelType(), ...)) { ... } @using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonFormFor(default(AnotherModelType), ...)) { ... }
| Improve this Doc View SourceBeginChameleonFormFor<TParentModel, TChildModel>(IHtmlHelper<TParentModel>, Expression<Func<TParentModel, TChildModel>>, String, FormMethod, HtmlAttributes, Nullable<EncType>, Nullable<Boolean>)
Constructs a Form<TModel> object with the default ChameleonForms template renderer using a sub-property of the current model as the model. Values will bind back to the model type of the sub-property as if that was the model all along.
public static IForm<TChildModel> BeginChameleonFormFor<TParentModel, TChildModel>(this IHtmlHelper<TParentModel> helper, Expression<Func<TParentModel, TChildModel>> formFor, string action = "", FormMethod method = FormMethod.Post, HtmlAttributes htmlAttributes = null, EncType? enctype = default(EncType? ), bool? outputAntiforgeryToken = default(bool? ))
Type | Name | Description |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.IHtmlHelper<TParentModel> | helper | The HTML Helper for the current view |
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<System.Func<TParentModel, TChildModel>> | formFor | A lambda expression identifying the sub-property to construct the form for |
System.String | action | The action the form should submit to |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.FormMethod | method | The HTTP method the form submission should use |
HtmlAttributes | htmlAttributes | Any HTML attributes the form should use |
System.Nullable<EncType> | enctype | The encoding type the form submission should use |
System.Nullable<System.Boolean> | outputAntiforgeryToken | Whether or not to output an antiforgery token in the form; defaults to null which will output a token if the method isn't GET |
Type | Description |
IForm<TChildModel> | A Form<TModel> object with an instance of the default form template renderer. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TParentModel | The model type of the view |
TChildModel | The model type of the sub-property to construct the form for |
@using (var f = Html.BeginChameleonFormFor(m => m.Subproperty, ...)) { ... }
| Improve this Doc View SourcePartialForAsync<TModel, TPartialModel>(IForm<TModel>, Expression<Func<TModel, TPartialModel>>, String)
Renders the given partial in the context of the given property. Use PartialFor(m => m, ...) pr Partial(...) to render a partial for the model itself rather than a child property.
public static Task<IHtmlContent> PartialForAsync<TModel, TPartialModel>(this IForm<TModel> form, Expression<Func<TModel, TPartialModel>> partialModelProperty, string partialViewName)
Type | Name | Description |
IForm<TModel> | form | The form |
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<System.Func<TModel, TPartialModel>> | partialModelProperty | The property to use for the partial model |
System.String | partialViewName | The name of the partial view to render |
Type | Description |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.IHtmlContent> | The HTML for the rendered partial |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TModel | The form model type |
TPartialModel | The type of the model property to use for the partial model |